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Experience the new residential project of Diamona & Harnisch -

Idyllically located in the beautiful villa district of Dahlem,
at Marshallstraße 1.


Welcome to our exclusive residential project, consisting of two elegant houses with a total of 58 residential units and a generous total living space of 4,232 m². Here you will find a diverse selection of apartments with 2 to 4 rooms and a size of 37 to 133 m². In addition, 39 parking spaces for cars are available.

and perfectly thought out

Floor Plans

Our apartments offer generous space for personal development. Whether you want to set up a home office, plan a library, design a children's room or need a hobby room, the functional floor plans allow for a variety of uses. Enjoy sun-drenched living rooms and balconies on the sunny side, while quiet bedrooms face the relaxing courtyard side.

Apartments can also be combined individually according to your wishes. This option is aimed at people who want to create a particularly impressive retreat - with plenty of space for themselves and their loved ones. Our comprehensive advice is available to assist you in this regard.

Marshall One - the Sales has started

2 houses /
58 residential

Apartments can also be combined individually according to your wishes. This option is aimed at people who want to create a particularly impressive retreat - with plenty of space for themselves and their loved ones. Our comprehensive advice is available to assist you in this regard.


Apartments can also be combined individually according to your wishes. This option is aimed at people who want to create a particularly impressive retreat - with plenty of space for themselves and their loved ones. Our comprehensive advice is available to assist you in this regard.

2 to 4 rooms

37 to 133 sqm
living space


Close to nature Living in the heart of Dahlem- Zehlendorf

The surrounding area is home to a variety of cultural institutions, including museums, art galleries and theaters. This cultural richness makes the Marshallstrasse location a point of attraction for art and culture lovers. With the renowned Freie Universität Berlin, the Quentin Blake Elementary School and the Mühlenau Elementary School, first-class educational institutions can be found in the immediate vicinity of the project. In addition, Dahlem offers a wide range of sports and leisure activities for young and old.

The Marshallstraße was named after George C. Marshall, an American general and diplomat who played a significant role in the post-war period. George Marshall was the architect of the Marshall Plan, an extensive economic aid program for Europe by the United States after World War II. This aid was crucial to the economic recovery of Europe, particularly West Germany. Naming the street after him was a recognition of his important role in promoting peace and prosperity in Europe after the war.

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  • Alliierten Museum
  • Botanische Garten

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  • Brücke- Museum (Kunstmuseum)

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  • Schlosstheater

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we create high-quality living space

About D&H

As an experienced real estate developer, we create high-quality living space, combining modern design with energy-efficient, pragmatic architecture. We develop properties at carefully selected locations where unique flair, convenience and quality of life come together to form an ideal residential area.

DIAMONA & HARNISCH’s outstanding reputation as a quality-conscious, detail-oriented project developer is based on professional expertise and many years of experience. The company’s property developments include modern houses that fuse the best of contemporary design with energy-efficient architecture.